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There are more and more GP vacancies in Australia as demand for good GPs grows. This is due to a number of reasons:

  1. Growing Nation

Australia is a growing nation. Whilst the population growth has slowed slightly over the past two years, Australia’s growth rate continues to be well above that of developed countries. Australia’s population grows at a rate of around 1 person every minute and a half.  There are therefore more GP Vacancies as Australia’s healthcare system requires more doctors to keep up with the population growth.


  1. Ageing population

Australia’s population is ageing due to the Baby Boomers starting to enter the older age range. The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates the proportion of Australians aged of 65 years or older will increase to 18.6% by 2030.  Older patients visit GP clinics twice as often as the rest of the population which puts increased strain on health care services. With this ageing population comes an increase in demand for GPs.

  1. Chronic Conditions

With the ageing population comes and increase in Chronic Conditions. Chronic conditions are common with 90% of those 65 years or older having at least one diagnosed Chronic condition. Many older patients will have more than one diagnosed chronic condition and many older patients will require multiple prescriptions. With the increase in life expectancy, which will continue to increase, these conditions are being managed for longer.


The number of GPs across Australia is steadily increasing and will only continue to do so, with a large amount of GPs coming from overseas. Alecto Australia range of vacancies across Australia, let us know your preferences and we will assist you in finding the perfect position. Contact us for a confidential chat on +61 1800 604 332 or via email [email protected]

GP Vacancies in Australia

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