Think outside the square and discover new and unique opportunities to develop your GP career! From salaried positions to DWS positions within easy reach of major metropolitan areas, Perth has the widest range of GP positions currently available in any larger Australian population centre.
Both Perth and Adelaide are two Australian cities that are becoming increasingly popular because of the easy, affordable lifestyle and good climate conditions.
What are some of these opportunities?
Perth offers a wide range of options in great DWS locations as well as a rare and unique opportunity to work in a salaried position that promotes special clinical interests. With a full-time salary of $250K plus benefits, some clinics in Perth offer an opportunity for career development that you might not think possible.
You can combine a normal GP Contractor role with a salaried position, or work full time on a salary if you have the suitable skills.
Other GP jobs in Perth allow you to work with organisations that have a strong and unique rural reach – allowing you to take up short term (days or weeks) assignments in some of the most remote areas in the world, while maintaining your family life in Perth where you spend most of your time working in family practice or urgent care.
Alternatively, you can work in a DWS location in a smaller private clinic or in some larger, well-run super clinics with fantastic operators.
The job opportunities in Perth are unique and varied and complement an affordable family lifestyle.
Check out the salaried and non-salaried positions in Perth – including accessible DWS locations.