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This year Alecto Australia attended the annual GPCE conference in Melbourne over the 11th, 12th and 13th November. We had a great weekend with around 1000 people attending the conference and exhibition.

Alecto Australia wanted to attend the GPCE this year as an opportunity to meet face to face with GPs, practice managers and practice owners to discuss the industry and the current needs of general practice. Thank you to all who visited us on the day, we really enjoyed catching up with GPs and Practice staff we have worked with in the past as well as meeting a whole range of new faces.

We had many conversations with GPs about 19AA and 19AB exemptions as well as speaking to practice owners looking to utilise our expertise in expanding, buying or selling their practice.

For those that had not heard of Alecto Australia before, the most commonly asked question was What do you do at Alecto? Alecto Australia focuses on all things General Practice. We not only do recruitment and find the best match for you, but we also assist with registration advice and assistance and consulting services such as purchasing and selling a practice, business strategy development, expansion assistance and basically anything else to do with General Practice!

We look forward to seeing you next year! Check out our pictures from the event: