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Time for a career check-up?

When was the last time you did a health check on your career?

Any time is a great time to investigate your career symptoms, make a diagnosis and decide on your course of treatment!

The following questions might begin your investigation:

  • Am I enjoying my job, am I learning, growing and developing?
  • Is my income sufficient?
  • Do my current hours give me the right work/life balance?
  • Am I feeling bored or stale?
  • Do I enjoy the team I see every day?
  • Do I have a great mentor?
  • Is the normal professional development challenging me and keeping me fresh – or should I study further or develop a speciality?
  • Do I have the right equipment to do my job?
  • Does my practice support me through marketing, promotion and a good team?

If you can’t answer yes to most of the above questions then you may be in need of some career care planning!

Fortunately, as a GP you are in a strong position to treat the root cause of your symptoms – all of the hard work you have put in over many years had made you a valuable commodity in the marketplace!

So what is the right treatment?

Depending on your symptoms you are almost always left with two choices:

Planning Career Graph

If you feel you need help finding a cure, get in touch today for information on how we can help you with any of the following:

  • Short term change of scenery or working holiday
  • New Permanent Placements
  • Clinical Lead Roles or Teaching Medical Students
  • Buying a Practice or feasibility studies and business planning for new clinics